Around The World

Where in the World is Your BrightLine Bag?

Here. There. Everywhere.

This is a showcase of some of the many places that get visited by a BrightLine Bag. Send your photos to” and they’ll likely show up here.


Going Thru TSA in Colorado Springs

The reason these two happy Southwest pilots are shown here is that the TSA agent requested the photo. And the reason she requested it is because this particular TSA agent happens to be the younger sister of the BrightLine Bags founder. She tells us she sees the BrightLine Bags go through all the time. So when two pilots at once came through, she had to send the photo to us.


Truly — Around the world. Solo.

This is Travis Ludlow. The soon-to-be-famous 18 year old UK pilot who has embarked on an epic adventure to become the youngest pilot ever to fly solo around the world.

Here he is, hours before departure, verifying all his gear, and of course with his prized BrightLine Bag front and center.